Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nothing like a good scare!

I spent the first 8 hours of my day yesterday wondering if I might have a brain aneurysm.  The morning was a rush of house cleaning and laundry, trying to prepare the home for my husband and children in case of the worst possibility--ending up in the hospital (though, I suppose death is actually worse than that).  At 2:15pm I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and migraines, though I need to watch for any neurological symptoms that might come up--which will send me in for an immediate MRI.

I am only 35 years old, almost 36, so this feels pretty ridiculous.  This last year I have felt that my body is falling apart.  Right after I turned 35 I developed a sharp stabbing pain in my left foot, like I was stepping on a sharp rock.  Turns out that this is a Morton's neuroma in a rare spot.  I spent a few months in a walking cast, and tried cortisone shots, but basically I'm left with needing surgery--which I've been putting off.

Last fall, I passed another kidney stone, and have had a series of urinary tract infections since.

Two weeks ago I developed sharp "lightening" headaches that come on super-fast from back of my head and throb with my pulse like lightening arcing through the underside of my skull.  (This is why I thought I might have a brain aneurysm.)  Obviously, I'M A PHYSICAL MESS!

What to do about all of this...  well, I feel that the Lord is definitely trying to get me to value and take care of my body more, so I'm going to do just that!

My personal daily/weekly goals are:

  • Drink at least 64 ounces of water/fluid a day (no carbonated soda)
  • Stay at/below 1500 calories per day (using the LoseIt app to track)
  • Exercise 2.5 hours a week (walking--b/c of the foot!)
Unofficial goals are:
  • Personal prayer at least 2 x daily
  • Blog about this journey regularly

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